Last updated 16 month ago

Why zebras don't get ulcers?

BingMag Explains why zebras don't get ulcers

Zebras have evolved to have a unique stress response system that helps them avoid chronic stress and the associated health problems, such as ulcers. Unlike humans and other animals, zebras have a highly efficient stress response that allows them to quickly activate their fight-or-flight response when faced with a threat. Once the threat is gone, their stress response system shuts down, allowing their body to return to a normal state.

Additionally, zebras live in social groups and have a strong social support system. This social support helps them cope with stress and reduces the negative impact it can have on their health. They rely on their herd members for protection and support, which helps them feel safe and secure in their environment.

Furthermore, zebras have a relatively simple lifestyle compared to humans. They do not have to deal with the same complex social and psychological stressors that humans face on a daily basis. Their stressors are typically short-lived and related to immediate threats, such as predators or finding food and water.

Overall, the combination of their efficient stress response system, strong social support, and simpler lifestyle helps zebras avoid chronic stress and the development of ulcers.

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