Last updated 15 month ago

Why was the electoral college created?

BingMag Explains why was the electoral college created

The Electoral College was created as a compromise during the drafting of the United States Constitution in 1787. The Founding Fathers had differing opinions on how the President should be elected. Some believed that the President should be elected by Congress, while others believed that the President should be elected by a direct popular vote.

To reach a compromise, the Electoral College was established. It is a system where each state is allocated a certain number of electors based on its representation in Congress (the number of senators plus the number of representatives). These electors then cast their votes for the President and Vice President.

The Electoral College was designed to balance the interests of both small and large states. It was believed that this system would prevent the dominance of heavily populated states and ensure that smaller states had a say in the election process. Additionally, the Founding Fathers were concerned about the potential influence of uneducated or uninformed voters, so they wanted a system that would provide a buffer between the people and the final decision.

Overall, the Electoral College was created as a compromise between different views on how the President should be elected, with the intention of balancing the interests of both small and large states and ensuring a deliberative process.

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