Last updated 16 month ago

Why is common core bad?

BingMag Explains why is common core bad

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) have been a subject of debate and criticism for several reasons. Here are some common arguments against the Common Core:

1. Lack of Local Control:

Critics argue that the CCSS takes away local control from schools, districts, and states, as it imposes a standardized curriculum and assessment system. They believe that education decisions should be made at the local level, considering the unique needs and values of each community.

2. Overemphasis on Testing:

Many opponents argue that the Common Core places too much emphasis on standardized testing, leading to a narrowing of the curriculum. They claim that teachers are forced to "teach to the test," focusing on test preparation rather than providing a well-rounded education.

3. Developmentally Inappropriate:

Some argue that the Common Core standards are not developmentally appropriate for younger students. Critics claim that the expectations set by the standards are too high for certain grade levels, leading to frustration and stress among students.

4. Lack of Teacher Input:

Critics argue that teachers were not adequately involved in the development of the Common Core standards. They believe that educators should have had a more significant role in shaping the standards to ensure they are practical and effective in the classroom.

5. Inflexibility:

Opponents claim that the Common Core does not allow for flexibility in teaching methods and materials. They argue that teachers should have the freedom to use different approaches and resources to meet the needs of their students.

6. Data Privacy Concerns:

Some critics express concerns about the collection and use of student data under the Common Core. They worry that the standardized assessments and data tracking systems associated with the standards may compromise student privacy.

It is important to note that while these arguments against the Common Core exist, there are also supporters who believe that the standards provide a consistent and rigorous framework for education. The debate surrounding the Common Core continues, and opinions on its effectiveness vary.

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