The latest Can questions - Page 6

Can you get pregnant without having sex?

No, pregnancy typically occurs as a result of sexual intercourse, where sperm is ejaculated into the vagina and fertilizes an egg. However, there are rare cases where pregnancy can occur without sexual intercourse, such as through assisted reproductive technol...

Last updated 15 month ago

Can you be pregnant and have a period?

No, it is not possible to have a period while pregnant. Menstruation occurs when the lining of the uterus sheds because a fertilized egg did not implant in the uterus. During pregnancy, the body prepares the uterus to support a fertilized egg, and the lining d...

Last updated 15 month ago

Can you drink alcohol while taking antibiotics?

It is generally not recommended to drink alcohol while taking antibiotics. Alcohol can interfere with the effectiveness of antibiotics and may increase the risk of side effects. Additionally, both alcohol and antibiotics can put strain on the liver, so combini...

Last updated 15 month ago

Can you feel the love tonight elton john?

"Can You Feel the Love Tonight" is a song written by Elton John and Tim Rice for the Disney animated film "The Lion King" in 1994. It was performed by Elton John himself for the film's soundtrack. The song expresses the blossoming romantic feelings between the...

Last updated 15 month ago

Can you refreeze chicken?

It is generally not recommended to refreeze chicken once it has been thawed. When chicken is thawed, bacteria can start to grow, and refreezing it can increase the risk of foodborne illnesses. It is best to cook the chicken after thawing and consume it immedia...

Last updated 15 month ago

Can you eat pomegranate seeds?

Yes, pomegranate seeds are edible and can be eaten. They are often consumed fresh or used as a topping in various dishes, salads, desserts, or as a garnish....

Last updated 15 month ago

Can adults get croup?

Yes, adults can get croup, although it is more common in children. Croup is a viral infection that causes inflammation of the upper airway, leading to a barking cough, hoarseness, and difficulty breathing. While it is more commonly seen in children between the...

Last updated 15 month ago

Can you have sex with a uti?

It is generally not recommended to have sex while experiencing a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs can cause discomfort, pain, and inflammation in the urinary tract, and engaging in sexual activity may exacerbate these symptoms. Additionally, sexual activity...

Last updated 15 month ago

Can i get a?

Yes, you can get a response from me. How can I assist you?...

Last updated 15 month ago

Can men get uti?

Yes, men can get urinary tract infections (UTIs). While UTIs are more common in women, men can also develop them. UTIs in men are often caused by bacteria entering the urethra and traveling up into the bladder or kidneys. Factors that can increase the risk of ...

Last updated 15 month ago

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